Monday, December 6, 2010

Normal or PARAnormal?

Ever see something strange from the corner of your eye?  It's happened to all of us. Yet, most of us dismiss our senses.  Every day, we routinely and consciously chose to ignore trivial supernatural experiences that may just hold the key to an age old question: what is the meaning of life?  Is there more to what we're seeing? 

I'm convinced there is.

The answers are not always directly before our eyes. Instead, they're above us, within us, and suspended in everything that lies in between. 

The extraordinary paranormal experiences of an ordinary woman

Rest assured, I’m a 'normal' individual who leads a fairly 'normal' life; I'm not meditating naked in my home-made herb garden wearing some mystical crystals around my neck (although... if that's what you're doing then that's fine with me)!  I'm writing this because I think that in our materialistic and overloaded society, it's essential that we reconnect with the spiritual part of life.

 I've lived an array of truly unbelievable paranormal occurrences, including:

  • Dramatic pre-cognitive or psychic dreams
  • Visits from beyond
  • Out-of-body experiences (OBEs)
  • Lights in the sky
  • Past life memories
  • Ghostly encounters

As a result, I've become quite passionate and curious about understanding these events - as well as the lessons or messages behind them.

Not a believer in the paranormal? 

Read on. You might just be shocked at what you can relate to (albeit unwillingly).  I didn't necessarily believe all of it either... until it happened to me.   

You'll be privy to all of my supernatural episodes. I invite your thoughts, insight and perspective.  In turn, share YOUR true paranormal stories on this forum. Perhaps someone out there has the insight that you're looking for...


  1. YAY KATE! I can't wait to read more!

  2. I'm already hooked :) I can't wait to see where this goes!

  3. I'm a beliver because I have seen strange things that even I can not explain which sends chills down my spine. Though what ever they are, I do not think they mean to hurt anyone.

  4. I am with you Nathan. I think that the scratches might have been from a dead cat that wanted to play..... keep writing Kate it is good
